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Posts from the ‘Featured’ Category


B3 Install video!

I recently made a few videos on how to install B3, or BigBrotherBot on a linux VPS.

They are broken up into 3 parts:

My VPS Provider:

Part 1:

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Setting automatic messages in PB

Here is a brief tutorial on how to set up automatic messages through punkbuster, known better as pb.

1) Edit the pbsv.cfg file and add to the very end “pb_sv_load normal.cfg” without quotes

2) Create a new file in the main folder (for CoD4) called normal.cfg

3) Edit the new file to read this: pb_sv_task 10 300 “say message 0” . Obviously replace “message 0” (but not say) with your own message. The “10” is the amount of time before it says it, if you want all your rule said one after each other set the first two to 10, the next two to 15, next two to 20 like so:
pb_sv_task 10 420 “say message 0”
pb_sv_task 10 420 “say message 1”
pb_sv_task 15 420 “say message 2”
pb_sv_task 15 420 “say message 3”
pb_sv_task 20 420 “say message 4”

420 is how long before it executes it again, I recommend 300 (which is 5 minutes), so it doesn’t look like excessive spam…

Last thing, if you want your messages to display in the same order you need to set that second number to the total time. Example: lets say the second message repeats every 420 seconds, and the third message you want to be repeated 5 seconds later, you would set the second number to 425, not 420 or it will go out of time.

Let me know if you have any questions!