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Message Notification System

MordyT proudly presents….

A message notification system!

Imagine the following. You wish to send a message to a user on your network. They are currently not logged in and you don’t feel like calling them on the phone. How do you leave a message they can get when they log into their PC?

With the following system, it is easy.

There are 2 parts – A client program and an admin program.

The client program, when fired off, checks for certain files in a share. If any are found, it will display them to the user in a pop up window. The Admin program allows you to easily make these files, but is not necessary to make them.
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Updated: MAVIS – MotorTraxx by Scott Systems – on Windows 7

So I was recently doing an upgrade at a local business that uses a program called Mavis. It is made by a company by the name of Scott Systems and they seem to have it under the name MotorTraxx. This version is very old, 16 bit, and pure DOS.

Setup was as follows:

  • The program files are on a network share.
  • The share is mapped in by network drive.
  • They run the mavis1.bat file to start the program.

I ran into a few issues from their old XP machine on the new Windows 7 machines.

  1. The program (on windows 7 64 bit) would not open, threw an error about 64 bit compatibility.

To solve that, I reinstalled Windows 7 – 32 bit.
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Setting up Punkbuster PowerPoints (PCUcon control)

Imagine the following. You have a gameserver running punkbuster and you want to give some fellow players a small level of control on the server that is logged. Most of you would say (baring third party tools like B3) that you have to give them the RCON password so they can login and preform the administrative actions.

As it turns out, you don’t need to give out the precious password. And you don’t need anything else  besides punkbuster. Punkbuster has a voting facility built into it that allows players to preform actions that you define.

Here is what you need:

  1. A file called pbpower.dat
  2. A file called pbrcon.dat

These files need to be in the pb folder of your gameserver.

The contents of the pbrcon will look like the following:

25 pb_sv_kick
75 pb_sv_ban

To explain, the number (25 or 75) is the amount of points it needs to pass the vote to execute the command. In the first case, after 25 points are applied to the command pb_sv_kick, it will pass and the server will execute it.
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